I have opened up our brand new booking system today so here are the instructions, If you have any problems just drop me a message:
Click on what you need If you are not sure where to go then just book a discovery session and add a message about what you are looking for to the booking

Then Pick a Day and Time available

Once you press book now, the system will ask for your details

Add anything you need to share or information about ages/stages of development in the message box. Once you have booked in you will receive an email with all details and a zoom link.
I would suggest signing up to our member area this is free and gives you the chance to log in and access your video link/reschedule easily!
Becoming a member also Enables you to receive emails with updates!
Just use the same email as you booked with and keep a track of anything you have booked into!

I cannot wait to get you all booked in
See you soon